Say Goodbye to Wrinkles with Botox Injections!

At United Medical and Aesthetics in Wilmington, North Carolina, we offer a nonsurgical, simple, and cost-effective solution to help you achieve your anti-aging goals.

How Botox Works to Smooth Away Fine Lines

Botox is made with a neurotoxin known as botulinum toxin type A, which treats dynamic folds and wrinkles caused by muscle contractions. Our experienced injector administers the medication into specific muscles of the face, creating a smoother and more youthful appearance.

At United Medical and Aesthetics, we are experts in Botox injections!

Our team at United Medical and Aesthetics provides a comfortable and stress-free experience for our patients. Aleta Sloan is a proficient injector who can deliver this FDA-approved procedure to patients every visit.

What to Expect at Your Botox Injection Appointment

We thoroughly clean the face and apply a topical numbing cream to ensure patient comfort. Injections are performed quickly using an ultra-fine needle, and aftercare instructions are given before patients leave the office.

Schedule Your Botox Appointment Today

If you want to learn more about Botox injections to treat folds, fine lines, and wrinkles caused by muscle tension, connect with our team today.

to schedule your appointment at our office located in Lumina Station at 1908 Eastwood Road, Suite #218.