As we age, facial skin changes become noticeable. Combat the signs of aging without surgery through cosmetic injectables. Aleta Sloan at United Medical and Aesthetics in Wilmington, NC, can help turn back time on your facial skin.

Enjoy Wrinkle Reduction with Cosmetic Injectables

Discover neurotoxins like Botox, Xeomin, and Jeuveau, famous for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. At UM&A, Aleta Sloan's expertise ensures remarkable results. Dermal fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane add volume to areas affected by aging, achieving a youthful look.

Wrinkle Reducer Options

Neurotoxins target crow's feet, forehead furrows, and eyebrow lines. Botox, Xeomin, Jeuveau, and Dysport offer comparable results in the skilled hands of Aleta. The difference lies in injector technique and preference, showcasing the artistry of cosmetic injectables.

Neurotoxins for Fine Lines

Combat hollow or sunken areas with dermal fillers. Aleta uses Juvéderm, Versa, Restylane, Radiesse, and Sculptura to address individual needs. These hyaluronic acid-based fillers are safe, rejuvenating cheeks, jawline, lips, and more when appropriately injected.

Dermal Fillers for Volume

A consultation with Aleta Sloan guides you to the perfect injectable treatment. Tailored plans consider your unique needs, designing a comprehensive skincare strategy. To explore wrinkle-reducer options, visit United Medical and Aesthetics.

Choosing the Right Injectable

Ready to embrace youthful skin? Schedule a consultation with Aleta Sloan at United Medical and Aesthetics. Call

for personalized wrinkle reducer solutions. Rediscover a smoother, more radiant you!

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