Discover the transformative power of skin peels at United Medical and Aesthetics, Wilmington. Aleta Sloan recommends these treatments to enhance skin texture and tone in one visit.

Treat Fine Lines, Wrinkles, And Scarring with Quality Skin Peels

Uncover radiant skin with chemical peels, a treatment repairing aging, acne, and sun damage. Aleta Sloan uses acidic solutions like alpha-hydroxy and beta-hydroxy acids to peel off damaged skin layers, revealing a revitalized complexion.

What is a Skin Peel?

Fine lines and wrinkles

Skin peels address various concerns:

Acne scarring

Skin imperfections

Sun-damaged skin

Uneven skin texture and tone






Who is a Suitable Candidate?

Ideal for those with generally healthy skin, skin peels remove dead cells, allowing new ones to flourish. Aleta Sloan assesses each patient during a consultation to determine candidacy and recommends a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment Process

The type of solution and the number of sessions vary based on individual needs. Aleta Sloan guides patients through the process, ensuring effective and safe treatments for optimal results.

Learn More and Contact Us

Ready to reveal your best skin?

to schedule a consultation at 1908 Eastwood Road, Suite #218, Wilmington, NC. Explore the full range of services Aleta Sloan and her expert team provide. Your journey to radiant skin starts here.